Priority Parcel Courier Cargo Service PPS Transport
Our priority Parcel Service (PPS Parcel Courier Service) is designed to transport parcel shipment on priority to deliver the package as quick as possible by engaging small mini truck vehicle like Tata Ace, Bolero, and Mahindra Pickup or Dost Vehicle for a small weight shipment up to 500 Kgs to 1000 Kgs (1 Ton).
Our Priority parcel courier cargo service (PPS Transport) Service is for the customers looking to ship the cargo on urgent basis and requires delivery in the shortest possible time. Our service are taken by customers participating in Exhibition , Party Organizers , Marriage Organizers, Event Management companies and also by Pharma , Garment export companies , High Value machine Transport and also by individuals who wanted their household goods to be packed and delivered at a quick time.
Our services are available for PPS Transport from Bangalore to Chennai, Hyderabad, Mangalore, Hassan, Mysore, Vellore, Krishnagiri , Ranipet , Coimbatore, Salem , Trivandrum , Cochin ,Pune , Mumbai, Goa, Kolhapur, Sholapur and more.
PPS Cargo Packers and Movers:
We are also engage in the service of Packing and Moving household and office items on Priority to the above station, we would pack all your household goods with high Quality packaging material and safely load all your packed household goods in the Truck and ensure safe and quick delivery on priority.
Our PPS cargo packers and movers service is highly appreciated by International travelers who wish to get all their home articles packed and shipped to their home town on urgent basis before they fly out of Country.
Our Special Service is PPS (Pack ,Pick and Ship) is as simple as it can get, when you have not so priority shipment we still support PPS that is Pack, Pick and Ship the items to your desired destination across India.
We also support PSS baggage shipping service.